Project Overview
A self-initiated project to create a title sequence for Netflix's The Queen's Gambit.
Beneath the guise of a chess game, the sequence alludes to the themes of growth, fall and (overcoming) addiction explored in the show. As such it deviates from the traditional view of chess as a game for nerds, forming an intense atmosphere by which to entice a more diverse audience.
Alongside Cinema 4D and After Effects, Redshift and X-Particles were used for the first time to realise the final sequence.
Final Title Sequence
Backing audio 'Andante in re minore' by Damiano Baldoni.
A sample of scenes from the title sequence, detailing proposed motion and camera movement.
Storyboards were imported to After Effects and composited alongside the backing audio to test timing.
Behind the Scenes
A breakdown of progression in Cinema 4D and Redshift, from base model to applying lighting and textures.