The Queen's Gambit Title Sequence

Project Overview
A self-initiated project to create a title sequence for Netflix's The Queen's Gambit.
Beneath the guise of a chess game, the sequence alludes to the themes of growth, fall and (overcoming) addiction explored in the show. As such it deviates from the traditional view of chess as a game for nerds, forming an intense atmosphere by which to entice a more diverse audience.
Alongside Cinema 4D and After Effects, Redshift and X-Particles were used for the first time to realise the final sequence.
Final Title Sequence
Backing audio 'Andante in re minore' by Damiano Baldoni.
A sample of scenes from the title sequence, detailing proposed motion and camera movement.​​​​​​​
Storyboards were imported to After Effects and composited alongside the backing audio to test timing.
Behind the Scenes
A breakdown of progression in Cinema 4D and Redshift, from base model to applying lighting and textures.